




Centre for the Study of Language Use and Society

The Centre aims to combine language structure and use with social environment from the perspective of the relationship between language and society, focusing on the corresponding relationship between language variety and social variations, including two major research approaches of "Discourse Analysis" and "Communication analysis" in the field of social research. "Discourse Analysis" mainly studies the construction of discourse in social domains. It involves language analysis, discourse analysis, pragmatic analysis, conversational analysis, functional analysis, cognitive discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, political discourse analysis, business discourse analysis, etc. "Communication Analysis" mainly concerns cultural research, cultural adaptation, cross-cultural communication, conflict analysis, interpersonal communication, business communication, etc.

This Centre has strong scientific research capabilities. In recent years, the Centre has published multiple academic papers in top and authoritative journals both domestically and internationally, and has established multiple national and provincial research projects.

Director: ZHANG Wei

Email: zw@swufe.edu.cn

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